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Due to the current pandemic, people have been forced to place reliance on Telecommuting jobs, and these results in various advantages and disadvantages. A Telecommuting job is a job which is done away from your office, and is mostly referred to as Work from Home.

Our present situation has led to the rapid emergence of Telecommuting jobs; the entire world views Telecommuting jobs as the safest and best way to work, and the heavy usage of Telecommuting jobs might continue even after the pandemic is over.


1. Not as strict timing

With Telecommuting jobs, you don’t have a very specific timing to enter an office or exit the office; the timings are very flexible and can help resolve any other tasks you might have other than office work. Any stress you have gained from hours of staring into the computer screen can immediately vanish after taking a couple of breaks in between all the work sessions.

2. No commute

One of the biggest advantages of telecommuting jobs is that there is obviously zero commute. Commute is fine if the workplace is only a twenty minute drive or walk; however, for many that simply isn’t the case. You’ll find that a large portion of workers spend hours getting to the office and back, and this results in many issues along the way. Commute hours aren’t added to work hours—the time wasted on commute is truly not worth the money wasted on fuel and other necessities. That’s why having zero commute is such a big advantage!

3. Can work wherever you are.

Telecommuting jobs allow employees to work wherever they are, as long as they have the internet they will be able to work and visit other areas of work. This allows for lots and lots of flexibility as regular jobs usually restricts the working in the office.

4. More Comfortable.

You might have the perfect working office, but many others don’t. The comfortable feeling in your own house can never be outmatched; employees can work for hours in their own houses and still feel cosy in their own houses. Offices might not have a suitable chair, a good temperature, and etc, but in your own house they wouldn’t be a problem.

5. Positive impact on the environment

This one ties back to the no commute advantages, because driving( as we all know) releases large quantities of carbon dioxide into the air and results in lots of pollution. If you are in a very densely packed area with many vehicles driving, you know how polluted a city or town can be, and commuting has a large impact on that. By working from home, there will be no pollution coming from vehicles.


1. Distractions:

At the office, there are zero distractions as the place is literally meant for working in, this results in the productivity to be maxed out and furthermore not have too many breaks in between. At home however, many distractions exist—family, other tasks, and maybe even a snack break or two. You never get these type of urges or distractions at the office because you simply don’t have them.

2. Are the employees really doing work?

While offices tend to have managers who regularly check on the employees, Telecommuting jobs simply do not have that. An employee might not be fully productive and wasting time and it is hard to recognize when they aren’t at an office and seem only through online meetings. It is your job as an employee to control yourself and continue to work even if you are home, which is definitely something many are not able to do.

3. Communication troubles.

Employees are not used to communicating everything online with their colleagues and this can result in many issues on understanding key points, etc. In the office, you can easily speak about your plans and the executions but through online means texting and other communication plans won’t always cut the bill. Even simple misunderstanding can result in many failed plans which really should’ve been properly done.

4. No balance between home life and office life.

While some people simply do not do work when they are at home, others might be doing too much. These people, “Workaholics”, cannot balance work life and their home life. This results in frequent isolation and no interaction with family and friends. Without the physical border of traveling to office and back home they are unable to differentiate between the two. This can lead to employees burning themselves out, and not able to continue working.

5. Overall less productivity

I obviously do agree that 90% of all employees will still do their work even if they are at home, but that doesn’t change the fact that disadvantages do exist. These distractions immensely reduce the productivity of the employee( depending on the scale of the distraction), and ultimately results in plans going overdue and unable to be finished. And it’s not just one employee, each and every employee has their own personal life, and the fact that they are home makes it easy for their personal life to disturb them. So overall, the entire business or organization’s productivity most definitely decreases.


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